Existing Products in market - 

Vanderbilt University -  Mechanical Engineers at Vanderbilt University designed a somewhat similar product with using a windshield wiper motor to deliver high torque on the ambu-bag. 

The breakthrough was to repurpose an everyday syringe into an oxygen-powered ram. A valve directs oxygen into the syringe which squeezes a self-inflating air container delivering 400ml of air directly to the patients’ lungs. A two port valve and ‘throw-over’ mechanism cause the ram to reciprocate.

In order to save and conserve oxygen, the waste gas is fed into a reservoir to enrich the patient's air supply.

The ventilator is driven and controlled entirely from the hospital oxygen supply without the need for electricity.

The number of cycles per minute, volume of air delivered, and air pressure can all be controlled according to patient’s needs.



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