The information gathered by us include user insight (A doctor' interview and patient's experience of ventilator) and online articles including urgent need to ramp up ventilator production and how DIY ventilator's could be useful in this time.

Online articles regarding necessity of homemade ventilators - 

DIY ventilator importance for COVID-19 control 

Homemade ventilators could fend off ventilator shortage

Patient's account 

Online articles regarding various other homemade ventilators across world - 

MIT Emergency Ventilator Project

Preliminary design portable ventilator


To thoroughly understand the user feedback for the ventilator which is currently in the market, we

interviewed Dr. Manisha Mundkar ( MBBS , DCH ). 

Here is the complete video for the same : 

One can summarize the interview as follows:
  • Due to increasing number of covid-19 patients the need of  ventilator is also increasing. Even though there is no scarcity of ventilators as of now, we can not predict the future.
  • There are number of safety measures which needs to be taken care of while operating the ventilator. 
  • Operating the ventilator is a tedious task and needs a skilled team to operate it. Due to this obstacle, ventilator for home is quite challenging.    

Based on the above resources we have arrived on the following design insights for our prototype of ventilator design - 

  • The inlet valve can be 1/4 inch normally open valve, the other two should be a minimum 1/2 inch diameter, one normally open (NO) and the other normally closed (NC). They must be of a direct acting solenoid type with 50 psi pressure ratings.

  •  Almost every bed in a hospital has a manual resuscitator nearby, available in the event of a rapid response or code where healthcare workers maintain oxygenation by squeezing the bag. This can be available to us directly from market.


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