Our Journey

 It all started in August 2020 when we took Innovation By Design course under Prof. B.K Chakravarthy and Prof. Anil Gupta. In this course we learned about seven concerns of innovation which form the backbone of innovation process. These concerns are namely cause, context, comprehension, check, conception, crafting and connection.

Our goal was to design a ventilator that would be affordable, easy to use and could be operated at home in case of emergency.

In this journey we came across different kinds of ventilators which were designed to fulfill the same end goal. We studied their design and learned from the drawbacks of their design and tried our best to improve it. we understood the importance of systematic innovation going from cause to crafting and then to connection which included getting feedback from end user. 

Overall the learning process was quite intriguing and creative. Thanks to our professors for making this course a creative and fun way of learning.


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