Based on the checklist our main priorities are safe product and compact design.

        IDEA 1

  • For compact design, easily usable at homes, we decided to build the assembly design in a steel box close from three side with a top made of plastic.
  • This makes it easy to transport and reduce cost of outside structure.
  • Similar to manual ventilating process in hospitals where resuscitation bag is used for positive pressure ventilation.
  • For the product to look safe and simple we have decided to use a medical syringe as a ramp to compress resuscitation bag which delivers air directly into the lungs with air regulator to control the quantity and quality of air through valves.
  • To move the syringe in & out of Ambu(Artificial Manual Breathing Unit) bag is done with the help of spring mechanism which is fitted with adjustable pneumatic timer which controls how many breaths are delivered per minute.
  • The importance of spring is once it reaches critical point it finishes the stroke and throws over to switch the valve.
  • Two regulators attached to the valves to control breath in(inspiration) and breath out(expiration). It will be fixed by hospital.
  • Adjustor is connected to the regulators to determine the air delivery speed in the ventilator.

Idea sketch       

  • Paper Sketch


  • CAD Sketch

  IDEA 2

  • Dual gear mechanism(rack and pinion gears) at both sides to push in & out the Ambu bag is used. This helps in lowing pressure at adjustor.
  • Sensors at attached with gear to control the critical value of breath rates.


Champion Idea  

  • Putting dual gear system pushes the overall cost of ventilator way above our set limit of ₹7000.
  • Idea 2 complicates design quite a bit which again will not be useful for us in marketing strategy.
  • More space is required for Idea 2 as compared to Idea 1 because it uses dual gear mechanism whereas idea 1 uses single syringe mechanism.
Therefore, we have selected IDEA 1 as our champion idea.


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